Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gray's Lament: the halloween edition

I changed my post color for halloween. Like it?
yesterday was the night of frights- Hallow's Eve. The night where the goblins and ghouls come out to play. The night where the witches cackle and cut the night's fog with the tips of their broomsticks as they speed through the thick sky. The night where zombies moan in pure pain and vampires thirst for blood. The night where a child can dream to their hearts content about monsters and other treacheries without being nuts.
And you can all concur where I was, right?
If you guessed my room, studying THEN YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!
My mom was being SO ANNOYING yesterday. Fee and Heather invited me to go trick or treating yesterday and I was all set to go, my homework was all done, and everything I could ever imagine my mom asking me to do, I did in advance. I REALLY wanted to get out of my dungeon [AKA- room].
And then she, using her motherly super powers, swooped in and stopped me right before I was to leave the portal out of this fun-deprived place.

MOM: Where are you going, Gray?
ME: trick or treating with Felicity and Heather. I've done all of my homework and studied for my Bio test for 2 hours.
MOM: Trick or treating is too 8th grade, Gray. You're too old.
ME: No, I'm not! Ethan, our nextdoor neighbor, is a SENIOR and he goes trick or treating! Why can't I?
MOM: that's not the point, dear. Anyways, did you study your Latin? You have a test in a week?
ME: for a half an hour. But it's in a week, mom. Besides I know the material!
MOM: Tsk, tsk. What procrastination! Go ahead.
ME: I can go trick or treating?
MOM: No, you can go study! I'll call Heather's mom and let her know you can't come. -goes and gets the phone- oh yes, I almost forgot. I'm going to a halloween party with my book club. So, keep an ear out for Trick or Treaters!
ME: -sagging- alright mom. Have fun.

So, I was studying stupid Latin last night for about 3 hours. A couple groups of Trick or Treaters had came, but it was nothing special. It was just your unoriginal, run-of-the-mill boys as ninjas, and girls as princesses. There was one bumblebee. Kids really do lack imagination these days. I was planning on going trick or treating in medieval/ madrigal garb. I had it all in the closet. It would have been soooo awesome if mom hadn't ruined it.

Mom still hadn't returned home. It was 8 o'clock and I was getting hungry, having not eaten anything since 10:30 AM. I made myself a sandwich. Some more trick or treaters rang the doorbell so, I sat my sandwich down and grabbed the Candy bowl. I never fathomed what would happen next. Remember that cute guy from Bio? With the gorgeous eyes?
He was standing at my door.
I know, i was in major awe too.
He and 2 other guys were trick or treating in my neighborhood. They were dressed as the 3 musketeers. They were smiling from ear to ear saying trick or treat. Now, who said high schoolers can't trick or treat?
I brought forth the candy.

HIM: Hey, aren't you in my biology class?
ME: -shocked- yep.
HIM: I don't think we've met. I'm Ryan.
ME: Hi, I'm Gray.
HIM: That's a cool name.
ME: thanks.
HIM: well, see you in biology on wednesday. Happy Halloween.
ME: See ya. -closes door-

That had to be the most amazing thing that's ever coincidentally happened to me. -swoons-


1 comment:

Lizzzard said...

(Still Heather... Still on her mom's account.)

Will you be offended if I say that your parents drive me NUTS??? I mean, *sometimes* my dad gets like that, but it's freaking Halloween!!!

That is all.