Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome to the Coffee Shop

Hi, I'm Gray Walton, and I'd like to introduce you to our world.
My friends and I have had a tradition for six years: every friday to meet at the Coffee shop Heather's aunt, Sammy, owns and talk about our week. You may think this gets old eventually, but it never does. My friends and I are such opposites, you'd never believe we're friends. But trust me, when you're so different, things are never boring.
First, there's Felicity Smith, also known as Fee. She's really talkative and outgoing. She never has the problem getting the perfect guy. I've always admired Fee for doing what I never could do- being the uber outgoing person and never losing her cool.
Then, there's Heather O'Neary. Heather isn't the person you'll soon forget. Obviously, her hippie parents have rubbed off on her a bit. She dresses, acts, and lives life to her own rules. Still, she longs to feel loved by someone other than us and her parents. A guy. Which I can't blame her for.
Then, there's me. I'm the prodigy of the bunch, literally. I learned to read at the age of two and have competed in the National Spelling Bee 3 times [I've never won]. Nobody other than Heather and Fee seem to get that I have feelings and a purpose other than to be a walking answer bank/ dictionary/ spell checker. So what if I do my homework on Friday nights? I'm still a normal person.
So yeah, that's our average lives. Check back to see the airing of our first webisode, which the date is still up in the air.

1 comment:

Fox and Cow said...

Alright! Things are up and running! Can't wait to see the first web show ^- ~

Now don't forget this Friday! 4 o'clock sharp!

All my love,
